Thursday 6 June 2013

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures

Aboriginal Flag

Torres Strait Islander Flag

 Reconciliation Flag

These two flags represents two different types of indigenous groups in Australia. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are not the same people. The Reconciliation Flag “has both symbolic and practical elements. A spirit of goodwill, mutual respect and recognition of the effects of colonisation on Australia’s first people are the symbolic cornerstones of the reconciliation effort” (ATSI Fact sheet, 2013). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders define in that they are two different people with different beliefs, values, tribes, traditions and languages. “Indigenous Australians are the first human inhabitants of the Australian continent and it’s nearby Islands. The term includes two separate groups of people, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who together make up 2.4% of Australia’s population” …the terms Aborigines was a name given to the Indigenous People by the Europeans which meant the original inhabitants of the country, “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are complex and diverse. The Indigenous cultures of Australia are the oldest living cultural history in the world, and go back at least 50,000 years while some argue closer to 65,000 years” (ATSI Fact sheet, 2013). 
The Australian Indigenous people have lived in Australian for thousands of years. Throughout their existence they survived by “…hunting animals and gathering plants... Their culture and religion are deeply connected to the land. Indigenous people believe that land is the home of their Spirit Ancestors and the source of their wellbeing” (Hastings, 2006, p 7). “Aboriginal people take great pride in their personal and group identity”. …The way that the Indigenous Australians keep their cultural heritage alive in their communities is by passing on their knowledge rituals, arts, stories and performances is through speaking, teaching, protecting cultural materials and also sacred and significant sites so that it would then be pasted on from one generation to the next generation (ATSI Fact sheet, 2013).

Here are some lick to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders history and cultures. In case you want to have more understand about the Australian history:

Why is learning about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures important?
Well here’s a lick to a short footage Australian Curriculum
to why it’s important and also what we have to keep in mind when teaching the Australian history in class.

Reference List

Images (1970). Aboriginal Flag. Retrieved 4 June 2013 from (1995). Reconciliation Flag. Retrieved 4 June 2013 from (1971). Indigenous Australian Flags. Retrieved 4 June 2013 from


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. (2013). Fact Sheet. Retrieved from 4 June 2013 from

Hastings, T. (2006). Indigenous Australians. South Yarra: Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd.

Vea australia-new zealand. (2012, September 10). Integrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in school. Retrieved from


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